I say judging from idk Finley's presence yeah I'd say this is a teaser
Aw not this showing the watermark was removed
Yeah but the sheep is the real giveaway here
The sheep tells me they're probably not real but they look cool
But is was literally CONFIRMED he isn't, unless they change the story itself he won't be evil besides why didn't he just let the player die if he was evil or kidnap the player
It's mainly the fact that it doesn't actually use the cliche to be scary instead it relies entirely on a different one. The "kid show" and the chase feel disconnected, it could delve into the horrors of the show becoming more corrupt but it just puts a scary filter on, it doesn't make you really think about what happened, it just kinda jumpscares you and that's about it
I think some crazy scientist(s) took normal animals and mutated them meaning the animals would have no connection to their character counterparts, due to this the animals didn't act like the characters either so the scientist(s) tried mutating them further or like disciplining them, to give them personalities and stuff but the way they did that was super messed and drove the animals crazy
Not really, you're totally entitled to your opinion but I personally veiw Mints Hints as cliche and I feel like it relies to much on the chase scene to be scary, the story is basically "a kids show that has been corrupted by a crazy scientist" which could be interested but I feel like it doesn't dig deep enough into that concept
Feels a bit out of character, Lloyd seems really cocky and probably be more than happy to fix the robots so he could boast about how he saved the day and that Rambley did need him like
Mollie: Lloyd! Rambley has been kidnapped by the robots, only you can fix it!
If Rambley was evil I think their would definitely be some signs and the creators deliberately tried to make his emotions seem genuine so I doubt they did all that just to make him evil, the main creator said he's meant to be like a child and genuinely didn't realize the damage the Park was in after being inactive for so long
Alex is an very normal name compared to everyone else (not hate btw)
Bro is prepared
Yes it's obnoxious but this is a growing channel that puts actual soul and care into their work. Who cares if it fvcking sucks! They are trying to make enjoyable content which is more than I can say about content farms
Ok and? You don't have to be aggressive, at least this person tried to make a funny recap of the game unlike content farms
Content farms fr
I found 1 or 2 bits funny, it does seem to have some effort into it, actual content farms wouldn't even bother to somewhat follow the lore but this seems like it was trying to make a silly version of Indigo park
Well I'd voice them :)
If you ever wanted to make an actual video of them
Welcome back